The renovation and seismic upgrade of the iconic Pritzker Hall Psychology Tower at UCLA, originally designed by Paul Revere Williams, addresses the growing requirements of one of the university’s largest undergraduate programs.
The renovation provides a new departmental face to the university, as well as much-needed collaboration space, classrooms and modernized dry lab research space.

“UCLA Psychology students and faculty alike are humbled by the thoughtfully designed Pritzker Hall renovation project. CO Architects together with Tangram, were able to honor the building’s history while providing the needed cutting-edge facelift. From the collaborative spaces throughout to the newage research labs, the innovative furniture and overall execution of design gives our program renewed confidence as one of the top psychology departments in the United States.”
Victoria Sork, Dean of Life Sciences

A new, expanded entry lobby provides student amenity and study space within a double-height volume. It is LEED Platinum certified.
- Society for College & University Planning, 2024 Excellence in Architecture Merit Award
- AIA National, 2023 Architecture Honor Award
- AIA|LA, 2022 Design Excellence Citation Award
- US Green Build Council, 2022 USGBC-LA MGBCE Design Award
- Westside Urban Forum, 2021 Merit Award
- Los Angeles Business Council, 2021 Los Angeles Architectural Award
- National Organization of Minority Architects, Phil Freelon Professional Design Awards, 2021 Design Excellence Citation Award
- Structural Engineers Association of Southern California, 2021 Award of Excellence
- Southern California Development Award, 2021 Merit Award

Project Name
Pritzker Hall Psychology Tower Modernization
77,800 GSF
Completion Date
University of California, Los Angeles
Master Planning
Space Assessment
Interior Design
Los Angeles, CA