Oregon Health & Science University, Portland State University and Oregon State University are partners in the Collaborative Life Sciences Building & Skourtes Tower, a new allied health, academic and research building. CLSB provides retail space, academic classrooms, lecture halls, teaching laboratories, clinical skills and simulation laboratories, medical research laboratories, and two levels of underground parking.
“Knit into the urban fabric, it creates a “place”, and heart of campus, vibrant, active and open to the community … the LEED Platinum building is a steward of the environment, reviving a once-active contaminated brownfield into a beacon of modern healthcare education.”
Brian Newman. Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, UCSF Real Estate & Vice President, UCSF Health
Former Vice President, Campus Development, Oregon Health & Science University

Also part of the overall building project is OHSU’s new Skourtes Tower, housing the school of dentistry clinical training, clinics, and research spaces. The two buildings together comprise 650,000 GSF of new construction in a 12-story building.

The building is conceived as an innovative model of interdisciplinary health sciences education, research and education, engaging students, faculty and pedestrians through a concept of “health science on display”. It is LEED Platinum certified. CO Architects: Design Architect; SERA Architecture: Executive Architect.

Project Name
Collaborative Life Sciences Building & Skourtes Tower
650,000 GSF
Oregon University System,
Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland State University
Completion Date
Interior Design
Portland, OR
- AIA COTE, 2015 Top 10 Award
- The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture & Design, 2015 American Architecture Award
- AIA TAP Building Information Model Awards, 2015 Delivery Process Excellence, Honorable Mention
- SCUP / AIA-CAE (Committee on Architecture for Education), 2015 Merit Award, Excellence in Architecture
- ACEC (American Council of Engineering Companies), 2015 Engineering Excellence Award