Serving the UCLA School of Medicine, the Rosenfeld Hall Renovation & Addition consolidates a range of surgical training, simulation and standardized patient programs into a single facility to enhance collaboration and training.

A complete renovation of Level 1 enhances the existing simulation center, adding a standardized patient suite, 60-person classroom, and workspaces. The Level 2 addition collocates the School of Medicine’s Center for Advanced Surgical & Interventional Technology (CASIT) education lab and their research & design lab.
The CASIT lab spaces offer robotic surgery, surgical simulation and virtual surgical training, as well as a flexible makerspace to accommodate various research projects.

Project Name
Rosenfeld Hall Renovation & Addition
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
24,300 GSF
Interior Design
Simulation Planning
Completion Date

Dr. John Mazziotta, Vice Chancellor of UCLA Health Sciences and CEO of UCLA Health